Thursday, September 28, 2006

AZRTL-PAC Endorsements available

Check out the Arizona Right to Life Political Action Committee Endorsements for the General Election on November 7, 2006.

Download the information and pass the word.

Munsil continues to challenge Napolitano

Len Munsil continues his grassroots campaign to unseat Janet Napolitano with a blistering attack of her complicity in the Arizona 9/11 memorial. This memorial dishonors the memory of those who died on that tragic day. Munsil was quoted on Rush Limbaugh this week and his action to raise awareness as even moved certain talk show hosts to "take off the gloves" and present the rest of the story on the governor's shameful comments. The Arizona Republic tried to ignore the firestorm but the national discussion on talk radio has made it impossible even for "Janet's rag" to completely ignore.

As for more information on the 9/11 commission, kudos to Sonoran Alliance for disclosing the close connection with democratic party operatives to the commission and to donations going to very liberal national democrats, and to Espresso Pundit for showing both the Republican party commercial and the connection from Rush Limbaugh.

While sentiment over the memorial continues to grab the headlines, the work of getting Len Munsil's name out to the public is still the work of the grassroots. Unlike the current governor who enjoys the positive only coverage from the state's newspapers, Munsil must get his name known to the voters of Arizona. Continue to talk about his vision and how he still believes that America is that bright shining city on a hill, to coin an old phrase used by a great man.

Contact our office and check out our website to find out how you can help get pro-lifers elected.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Reflections on the Conference

After the close of our 28th Annual Pro-Life conference, I have had a moment to think about everything and to share with you my thoughts. If you were there, thanks for joining us. I hope you came away with lots of information to pass on to those around you.

This was a conference with some of the brightest minds in the country and they were more than happy to exhort the attendees into action . Then there was the letter from the president of the United States encouraging us to continue the fight to return protection of the children into the law. Finally the attendees were my reason for deeming the conference a success. There were many young adults who attended and they were all excited about making a difference. A big thanks goes to all who labored to bring forth this conference. Now I am tired and I am going to bed. Till the next time, God be with you.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Understanding the grassroots

The last minute infusion of some serious cash by Washington Republicans in a desperate effort to defeat Randy Graf is only another example of how so-called political experts from Washington do not always know what is happening on the ground and among the grassroots.

Just as the Washington insider advice hurt Matt Salmon in his race for governor four years ago, so too the notion that the former congressman could "anoint" his successor just doesn't sit well with Arizonans. The people really are looking for candidates who 'say what they mean' and 'mean what they say.' and the people want a no nonsense pro-life conservative to represent them in Washington. Randy Graf will do that.

His opponent is a tax and spend liberal pro-abortion anti-marriage democrat. Need I say more?

So a message to the folks in Washington.
Next time - talk to us. We will tell you who is the candidate who can win and represent the best interests of Arizona.

Final thoughts.
Just because your Huffman did not win does not mean the game is over, In fact this seat has been Republican and there is no reason that with some hard work from the ground and some financial support from all those sources, Randy should not handily defeat this tax and spend liberal.

But two things are required - hard work and funding.

So now is the time for all of us to get involved and engaged in the fight for life.

Some Reflections

Len Munsil's victory last night is a tribute to hard work and leadership. He remained principled throughout the campaign and he has become battle tested forthe very serious general election shead. His opponent is crafty. She is smart. And she has the Republic on her side. In fact during the election cycle, the paper is more like a campaign rag for Janet than anything else.

But Len has some great opportunities to exploit her weaknesses. He is also articulate and needs toi be prepared for the dirty tricks that the Democrats tend to play.

As for the other races, having Hellon gone and Melvin in is a great victory. And the NE Tucson chapter deserves a vote of thanks for their hard work.

We are sorry that Colette came up short in District 8, but it seems that the anti-401 people got out their vote and the spillover cost it for Colette. It was also a lot to overcome the money that Allen had to spend, the dirty tricks she played and the endorsements she managed to get.
I predict that Allen retires soon and the district leadership try to give the seat to Reagan.

Munsil wins primary

Congratulations are in order to Len Munsil for the solid victory in yesterday's primary.

Now the general is less than two months away. We need volunteers to help on lens's campaign. We need volunteers to help AZRTL-PAC distribute information on the sitting governor and to get some name identification.
And thanks to you all for voting.

While we did not get everyone we wanted in the state legislature, there were some good reports coming from Tucson where the members of the chapter put in a long day in support of Melvin, and Jorgeson for the state house and Graff for Confgress. For the latest check with www.azsos,gov or check our website at

Friday, September 08, 2006



In a recent mailing by the Goldwater campaign the literature states that “Don is recognized as a strong pro-life candidate by Arizona Right to Life. Well, that is not quite the whole story. So to quote a veteran newscaster, ‘Here is the rest of the story.”

Arizona Right to Life has a political action committee that endorses candidates in elections. AZRTL-PAC endorsed Len Munsil in February 2006. Len Munsil filled out the AZRTL-PAC survey and was 100% pro-life. Len Munsil has long been an advocate for the right to life and we in the movement have worked with Len during his years at CAP to pass pro-life legislation and to promote a Culture of Life. Len is a long time friend of AZRTL and AZRTL-PAC was proud to endorse him.

Now prior to Len getting into the race, Don Goldwater started to attend some pro-life events. He had announced that he was running for governor. AZRTL-PAC reviewed his survey and noted that he answered most of the question in a pro-life manner with the exception of the rape-incest question. He did not answer correctly on that question. However, the general sentient was supportive of reversal of Roe v. Wade and therefore AZRTL-PAC acknowledged that he had embraced a pro-life position. That is not an endorsement. Because he allows for a rape-incest exception, he could not be truly classified as “strongly” pro-life. His stating that AZRTL recognized him as “strongly”: pro-life is not a true reflection of the facts.

For those who want a truly engaged advocate for the unborn, the person to vote for is LEN MUNSIL. On September 12, 2006 AZRTL-PAC strongly encourages everyone to vote for Len Munsil.

Munsil will be the most articulate and effective candidate against Janet Napolitano. He is smart on his feet and can challenge her on her failures as a governor. He can also remind the voters how she has opposed and vetoed common sense legislation passed by the legislature to protect women, legislation that Len Munsil had a hand in preparing and advocating. Munsil will be able to challenge Napolitano on more than one issue. Finally Munsil has the qualifications once elected to surround himself with able individuals who can effectively implement a government policy designed to protect and defend all the people.

So that is the story. Years ago Don Goldwater was not pro-life. He has changed and AZRTL recognizes that. It is a good thing to finally understand that killing babies is wrong. When a person comes to embrace the Culture of Life and the Right to Life, it is a good thing. But that does not mean that those in the pro-life movement should vote for that person when there exists a champion for life who has fought the battles and been on the front lines. It is that person who should hold the standard for the right to life. He has earned it on the battlefield. He has earned the respect of those who wish to make a difference. He has earned their consideration.

On September 12 vote pro-life.

For governor vote for the strong pro-life candidate – LEN MUNSIL.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Running Scared?

Carolyn Allen is a notorious pro-abortion Planned Parenthood supporting politician. She has been for years. Anyone active in state politics knows it. She hates the right to life and those associated with it. She has close alliances with Planned Parenthood and has opposed all pro-life legislation including the ban on partial birth abortion.

So why is she trying to confuse voters by listing the name of a former employee of Arizona Right to Life and mentioning the fact that this former employee worked for Arizona Right to Life? Is she trying to confuse the voters in District 8? Is she afraid that her years of being anti-life are catching up with her? Why would she consistently keep using this person’s name and her previous association with AZRTL? That association was over ten years old and did not authorize her to use the AZRTL name in association with a known pro-abortion candidate.

As a result of this continued effort to mislead the voters of District 8, I sent an email letter to Ms. Allen. The letter is as follows:

Dear Ms. Allen

You are not authorized to use the name of Arizona Right to Life in connection with any campaign literature that would deceive or confuse voters into thinking that AZRTL would endorse or support your campaign. Further the use of Arizona Right to Life's name in connection with a former employee of AZRTL (from over ten years ago) is deliberately deceptive and misleading to the voters in District 8. Ms. Connell has never been and is not presently authorized to use the name of AZRTL. Further she does not have permission to use the name in connection with any campaign.

Please cease and desist from using the name of Arizona Right to Life in any way, manner or form.

John Jakubczyk

Attorney at Law

Any person who would lend her name and her former involvement in the pro-life movement as a paid employee of AZRTL to support a known Planned Parenthood supporter is also guilty of misleading the voters and by her actions has renounced her previous positions in support of the children. Every day due to the likes of politicians such as Carolyn Allen, children are at risk, both those in the womb and those who grow up in a society that has cheapened human life.

While today in the law the concern for children only applies if the child is born, the truth is that each one of us had his or her beginning at conception. Each of us spent on average nine months in the womb before being born. We were alive and growing in our mother’s womb. No lies or distortions can change that reality.

On Tuesday September 12, 2006, send a signal to the world that you believe in life. Vote Pro-life without any exceptions. And if you live in District 8, vote for Colette Rosati and against Carolyn Allen. Visit for our list of pro-life candidates..