Friday, September 08, 2006



In a recent mailing by the Goldwater campaign the literature states that “Don is recognized as a strong pro-life candidate by Arizona Right to Life. Well, that is not quite the whole story. So to quote a veteran newscaster, ‘Here is the rest of the story.”

Arizona Right to Life has a political action committee that endorses candidates in elections. AZRTL-PAC endorsed Len Munsil in February 2006. Len Munsil filled out the AZRTL-PAC survey and was 100% pro-life. Len Munsil has long been an advocate for the right to life and we in the movement have worked with Len during his years at CAP to pass pro-life legislation and to promote a Culture of Life. Len is a long time friend of AZRTL and AZRTL-PAC was proud to endorse him.

Now prior to Len getting into the race, Don Goldwater started to attend some pro-life events. He had announced that he was running for governor. AZRTL-PAC reviewed his survey and noted that he answered most of the question in a pro-life manner with the exception of the rape-incest question. He did not answer correctly on that question. However, the general sentient was supportive of reversal of Roe v. Wade and therefore AZRTL-PAC acknowledged that he had embraced a pro-life position. That is not an endorsement. Because he allows for a rape-incest exception, he could not be truly classified as “strongly” pro-life. His stating that AZRTL recognized him as “strongly”: pro-life is not a true reflection of the facts.

For those who want a truly engaged advocate for the unborn, the person to vote for is LEN MUNSIL. On September 12, 2006 AZRTL-PAC strongly encourages everyone to vote for Len Munsil.

Munsil will be the most articulate and effective candidate against Janet Napolitano. He is smart on his feet and can challenge her on her failures as a governor. He can also remind the voters how she has opposed and vetoed common sense legislation passed by the legislature to protect women, legislation that Len Munsil had a hand in preparing and advocating. Munsil will be able to challenge Napolitano on more than one issue. Finally Munsil has the qualifications once elected to surround himself with able individuals who can effectively implement a government policy designed to protect and defend all the people.

So that is the story. Years ago Don Goldwater was not pro-life. He has changed and AZRTL recognizes that. It is a good thing to finally understand that killing babies is wrong. When a person comes to embrace the Culture of Life and the Right to Life, it is a good thing. But that does not mean that those in the pro-life movement should vote for that person when there exists a champion for life who has fought the battles and been on the front lines. It is that person who should hold the standard for the right to life. He has earned it on the battlefield. He has earned the respect of those who wish to make a difference. He has earned their consideration.

On September 12 vote pro-life.

For governor vote for the strong pro-life candidate – LEN MUNSIL.


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