Jim Pederson - not quite for everyone
The race for the U.S. Senate has begun. Senator Jon Kyl has an opponent. Jim Pederson is the former chairman of the Arizona Democratic Party, credited with reviving the party with a personal infusion of over two million dollars. He has filed papers to run for the U.S. Senate. A self-made real estate developer and businessman, Pederson is trying to impress the public that he is his own man. His television ads tell the story of someone who will be for all the people. Well not quite. You see Jim Pederson is pro-abortion. He thinks killing babies ought to remain legal. He campaigned for the current governor who as we know was responsible for a 14 year-old ward of the state going to Kansas to have her 28 week unborn baby killed by the most infamous abortionist in the country. So as I listened to the ad, I wondered how it is that people could support someone who thinks this way. And the truth is that most people do not think about abortion. Most people do not want to be reminded that over 4000 babies are killed in the U.S every day. Even our so-called friends do not want to talk about it.
Well, here is the bottom line. Anyone who thinks it is perfectly all right to have abortion allowed in this country will not and cannot be entrusted with the responsibility to vote on critical issues facing this nation. The same people who will support abortion for the young will support euthanasia for the elderly. Considering the looming crisis over Social Security, one should be scared -very scared.
The Democrats as a whole are on the wrong side of the social and cultural issues. While there are some brave pro-life Democrats here and there, the truth is that the party has excised them from Democratic Party politics. While this helps the Republicans in the short run, it is not good for the two party system. The future of this nation must be pro-life or there won’t be any future.
AzRTL-PAC has endorsed Jon Kyl for re-election. Senator Kyl has been a strong proponent for life and for protecting the unborn and their mothers. His votes on the Judiciary are important to Arizona and the nation. Thanks to Senator Kyl, there are two strong justices who believe in the limits of government. Remember that when it comes to the election, your voice and your vote must be heard
Hold the various candidates to their positions. Challenge them when they get out of line.
AZRTL and the entire pro-life movement represent the vast majority of the American public who believe that abortion is wrong. Now what is needed is the grunt work - to get the message out to the people and to get the people to vote.
Alive and well in Tucson
There are some who wonder if the pro-life movement has any "life" or "movement" in the Tucson area. Well after a wonderful ands successful dinner put on by the Northwest Tucson chapter of AZRTL , one need wonder no more. Chapter leader John Ellenwood invited Congressman Trent Franks to address the attendees after state Senator Tim Bee told personal story of the impact of foster care on a child's life. Candidates for state office and the state legislature were present. Representatives from U.S. Senator Jon Kyl's office joined us in the event.
The dinner marks an important step in the goal to build a strong presence in the Tucson area. There are more pro-life voters than we think. What is needed are the efforts to find them.
Another one bites the dust
Lawrence Lader, one of the chief architects of the abortion legalization effort died on May 7, 2006. He was 86. He was one of those elitists who thought he knew how and when people should live and die. He was one of the founders of NARAL. His animus against the Catholic Church led him to sue the Church and the IRS in an attempt to remove the Church’s tax-exempt status. He was a well-published writer for Look, Reader's Digest and The New Republic, among others.
Why do I mention his passing?
When history is written on the subject, he will be listed as one of the major players responsible for the deaths of 47 million babies in this country. His convoluted lies and misrepresentations in his landmark book “Abortion” in 1966 were used by the U.S. Supreme Court in it disastrous Roe v. Wade decision in 1973. He was one of those who, along with Bernard Nathanson, made up the lie that 10,000 women dies each year from illegal abortions. With his connections in the media, he was able to manipulate public opinion by feeding the newspapers and network media so-called horror stories where the poor woman died because she could not get a legal abortion.
The New York Times did a story on his death. To the Times he was a hero. But his legacy was not about life. It was about death. He takes his place with the great propagandists of the 20th century, a firm believer in the Big Lie.
Planned Parenthood - anti-woman, anti-mother
Of course only Planned Parenthood would have the gaul to use the mother's Day weekend to promote its anti-mother anti-child philospohy. And only PP would use Hollywood movie celebrities to promote their evil agenda as they attack the courageous efforts of the people of South Dakota to end the killing of their children.
But this is the same group that makesmillions of dollars killing children and maiming women. So is anyone surprised?
Read the
press release from Joseph Cella of
Fidelis for the rest of the story.
Realizing our worth
We do not often consider how each one of us is unique, unrepeated and here and now the only person who will ever be just as we are - ever. There are the truisms - no two snowflakes are alike, no two leaves are the same. And we say we know it to be true. But do we really? Do we really appreciate the fact that each person is a unique individual with qualities and a purpose to discover. Each person holds in his or her hands the opportunity to do something good, beautiful and true.
And do we accept the notion that our children, our parents, our siblings, our friends are all special.
It is easy to get into the daily rut and ignore the wonder of the everyday.
Whether it is the cashier, the teacher, the person in the car next to you, every person has a world surrounding him with relationships and struggles and challenges and goals.
Protecting the right to life is the first step in allowing people to "be" so that they can have the relationships and struggles and whatnot.
Protecting the right to life acknowledges the unique qualities of every person.
Protecting the right to life is the purpose and function of law.
As we begin the political season in earnest, keep your eyes on the prize. Life.
Don't let people confuse you. Life first. Don't let politicians distract you. In fact unless they are pro-life, don't let the politicians even cross your threshold. For protecting innocent human life is a threshold issue.
Congrats to CAP
Congratulations to the Center for Arizona Policy for a great event last night. Col. Oliver North gave a sprited address to the over 1000 people in attendance. Cathi Herrod filled everyone in on the legislative happenings and all of us appreciated the need to stand up for life and family values.
It is a testimony to
Len Munsil, founding president of CAP, that after 10 years the organization is such an important fixture in the Arizona public policy landscape. And it is a further tribute to his work that CAP could put on such a great event now that he has moved into the world of politics by
running for governor. Arizona is richly blessed to have CAP and we at Arizona Right to Life
appreciate their work on the life issues, along with their friendship and dedication to our common cause.
Courtney's story
Every life has a purpose and a meaning. We hear this warm and heartfelt comment when we talk about the youth, about those who have opportunities ahead of them, of those who exude hope.
But this same society will also tell us that handicapped children, the elderly, and others with a so-called diminished “quality” of life do not enjoy the same quality of life that the majority have and therefore are not lives worth living.
Many years ago, a governor from Colorado said that old people should just act like the leaves of a tree and just fall off and die. In Oregon euthanasia has taken hold rendering the elderly ands depressed in grave harm.
I could go on, but lest one lose all hope and decide to disappear, allow me to tall you a story of love, compassion and generosity.
Some years ago a mother gave birth to twins. One has born healthy, the other with serious health problems. After the doctors delivered the babies, the parents faced some serious challenges. When she became old enough to attend school, the neighborhood school did not want her. You see Courtney could not talk. She would never be able to talk. Another school in a poor section of town was happy to admit her. She went to that school for eight (8) years and touched so many hearts. But that is only half the story,
In asking what she could do to help the kindergarten class, Courtney’s mom learned that many of the children went home hungry after their half day at school. One of Courtney’s sisters began making a lunch for one of the other students. Soon they learned that the child was bringing the lunch home to her family to share. As Christmas approached the mother thought that she would give one particular family a real joyful Christmas. Soon the idea mushroomed and 50 families were ‘adopted’ by the mom ands her friends who provided toys and clothes and food to these needy families. A local Catholic parish became involved and the number of families enjoying the “gift’ of Christmas grew.
Courtney eventually “graduated’ from the elementary school after those eight years. The school held a ceremony and then had to hold another so that everyone in the school could join in the festivities. While Courtney’s dad stood in the back watching with tears in his eyes, he noticed a tall six-foot 15-year-old young man joining the choir as they sang and signed one of her favorite songs. “Who are you?” he asked. The young man replied. “I went to kindergarten with Courtney.”
Perhaps we will never know the full impact of the life of this extraordinary human being. I suppose that is not really the issue. But in an age that would promote abortion for the seriously handicapped, the idea that the rejection by a school of a little retarded kindergarten girl would lead to a program that would help thousands of families and allow thousands others to be generous with their time, talent, and treasure, is very special and hopeful.
For those of us in the pro-life movement, the story of Courtney is an example of the mystery of God’s love and His grace. It is a reminder to all of us why we must never give up, why every day we must recommit ourselves to the cause of life. It is a further reminder why we must vote into office only those who will respect the right to life of the unborn.
So remember how special we all are and the very unique calling we all have.
The Veto Queen
When last we wrote, the Arizona legislature had passed the fetal pain bill and sent it to the governor for her signature. As you all know
she vetoed that bill. Then she vetoed the law to insure that state funds were not improperly being used to pay for abortions. Then she vetoed the bill to make sure to require the notarized signature of a parent or guardian when a minor wants an abortion. Then she vetoed the bill to prevent the sale of human eggs.
Finally she vetoed another bill that would have codified the court’s ruling on the requirements for consideration in a judicial bypass regarding parental consent. So she has been pretty busy obstructing the will of the people. Our pro-life legislators and our lobbying efforts down at the State Capitol have been thwarted for the time being. However, we all know where the politicians stand on the life issues. A special thanks to Shane Wikfors of AZRTL, Ron Johnson of the ACC, and especially Cathi Herrod of CAP for their heroic work in getting these bills through the legislature.
The actions of this pro-abortion governor remind us as to why Arizona Right to Life exists. There is such a pressing need to educate the public on the evil effects of abortion on our society. AZRTL’s daily presence in the community saves lives.