Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Staying Engaged

If anyone is still actually reading this blog, then they will have realized that there have been no posts since March of this year. Now the reasons are multiple. Facebook has definitely interfered with my blogging and posting not just on my site but others as well. Then there was the little matter of my hospitalization at the end of April and throughout the first two weeks of May to remove a brain tumor. Lots of fun. The convalescence included my not driving for six weeks. Not to completely out of the woods, another event required my visit to the Barrow Neurological Institute over at St. Joseph's Hospital in late July for almost a week.  Recovery continues but ....well ... no need to be maudlin. The simple joy of being alive knocks everything out of the room. Events like these remind you that God is good and always watching over you.

My wife and the family were (and remain) wonderful.  My brother, sister and Dad were there throughout all of this. Three of my young men went to Krakow for World Youth Day and came back very refreshed and kinder to one another. They are now, with the exception of the college student, playing football ( the varsity won their first two games) although Anthony injured himself during practice and is scheduled for surgery on Friday.

My sincere appreciation goes to the doctors, nurses and staff who cared for me.  Thank you and may God continue to guide you in the very important work you do.

Finally, please pray for the repose of the soul of my aunt Dorothy Jakubczyk who died this week. Her husband John passed away a few years back. Her children will also need your prayers during this time of loss.

I managed to speak at the sixth annual Sidewalk counseling Symposium in New York (Staten Island) in early August. I have been giving counsel to many on a one-to-one basis. The elections are on everyone's mind but I will hold off on any comments until later.

Again thank you for your prayers. God bless you all.