Thursday, January 19, 2006

New Poll supports Right to Life

New Poll Reveals Overwhelming Majority of Americans Want Greater Abortion Restrictions
By Terry Vanderheyden

VANCOUVER, January 17, 2006 ( – A new poll conducted by Angus Reid for CBS News has revealed that the overwhelming majority of Americans would like to see greater restrictions placed on abortion.

Thirty-three percent of respondents said that abortion should be permitted only in cases such as rape, incest and to save the woman’s life; 17% said abortion should be allowed to save a woman’s life; 5% said abortion should not be permitted at all, while 15% said abortion should be permitted, but subject to greater restrictions than it is now. In total, 70% of respondents favour greater restrictions. Only 27% said that abortion’s availability should remain unchanged – permitted in all cases.

Angus-Reid interviewed 1,151 American adults by telephone, between January 4 and January 8.

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so let's look at the numbers.
According to this poll
5% Abortion should NEVER be allowed.
17% Abortion should NEVER be allowed EXCEPT to save the LIFE of the mother.
33% Abortion should NEVER be allowed EXCEPT to save the LIFE of the mother AND in such cases as rape and incest.

15% Abortion should be allowed BUT there should be more restrictions.

27% Abortion should permitted in all cases.

55% anti-abortion - want abortion made illegal
15% want more restrictions to limit abortions
70% want a change in the current status of the law.

27% - living in denial, living in confusion, living in ignorance, living in hate, living for the money, the power, the control, living in bondage, living with guilt, or simply do not care.

We need to remind people abortion kills a baby and exploits a woman. Abortion is not good for women or any body else.


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