Monday, June 08, 2009

Respecting Human Life in Mesa

Mesa Police and firefighters unfortunately reflect the problem of today's society when it comes to dealing with the subject of abortion.

They don't.

Instead they mimic a society that turns its back on a national problem affecting the lives of over a million women and children every year.

The incident involved five Mesa police officers and four members of the Mesa fire department. a woman had a miscarriage in a Mesa motel. When law enforcement and paramedics arrived at the scene, she was taken to a nearly hospital for further care and treatment. According to the East Valley Tribune and other news accounts, the paramedics refused to take the body of the unborn child with them. Police called for instructions and someone told them to get rid of it.

Arizona Right to Life came out with a statement calling of a greater sensitivity when dealing with the remains of unborn human life and offering to provide training and classes to inform Mesa personnel as to the medical, legal and moral components of respecting unborn human life.

It is important that those in authority remember that their role is to respect the lives of all persons. It is just as important to convey this understanding to all employed in the public trust. Arizona Right to Life stands committed to assisting those in authority to understand this important reality. It is an important reflection on the character of a society how it deals with the mortal remains of its members. It also teaches the next generation how important each person truly is to ua all. This is an opportunity that should not be wasted.


At 10:41 PM, Anonymous John K. Walker said...


Indeed, back in the 1970's there was a case of someone actually throwing an aborted corpse onto the rink at a hockey game, and just recently there was a fetus found on a beach in the San Francisco area in a jar.

Certainly these horrific examples of human desecration should be reported as carefully and as "tastefully" as possible (though the "mainstream" news media -- now essentially indistinguishable from the tabloids -- will only do so at all if they expect to exploit these tragedies for increased ratings or readership), but to not discuss them at all just perpetuates the unacceptable status quo and permits the abortion industry continued free reign to ply their ultra-violent business.

And one other question I must reluctantly raise in this area: nowhere in the many books I've read on America's pre-1967 underground abortion culture, particularly during the 1800's (when, in many cases, such as the infamous quack abortionest "Madame Restell" in New York, the illegal nature of abortion was almost completely overlooked) have I found any definitive description of how the murdered babies' remains were disposed of in these early death mills. For those who don't know, the modern abortion industry has "perfected" the heinous process of pureeing their victims' corpses for disposal along with standard "medical waste." And individual 20th century (up to about 1970) private abortionists (whether "doctors" or "midwives") usually just flushed as much of the soft tissue and ground-up bone and skull matter as possible down their regular toilets. (Everyone on any side of the debate should watch the original UK movie "Alfie" from 1966 to see the frankly depicted illegal "bathtub" abortion and aftermath scenes; the movie industry has deliberately never been that honest about abortion again.) But in the outhouse era doing anything this crude, much less using mass graves or funeral pyres, would seem to have been too openly incriminating, so I don't know if there is any historical record of how they covered their criminal tracks.

Does anyone have any information or ideas about this?


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