Sunday, July 02, 2006

Remembering the American Ideal

As we all prepare for the 4th of July with fireworks and friends and family, it is only fitting that we thank Almighty God and our Founding Fathers for the ideals set forth in our Declaration of Independence.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident” states this charter which crystallized the beginning of the nation, “that all men are created equal, and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

Those of us in the pro-life movement acknowledge this foundation stone of this nation and the government that was formed to defend and protect the lives and property of its people.

Unfortunately many have forgotten this history or have chosen to re-write it because it does not conform to their view of the world. They would make criminal the very purpose of government and prevent those who hold life precious from participating in the marketplace of ideas.

It is sad to consider that even in their imperfect ways the founders recognized the ideal they sought. Yet this generation of Americans, with all the material wealth at our disposal, with all the technology at our fingertips, with all the knowledge we have discovered of the mysteries of life, cannot see fit to welcome a helpless child into the world.

Have we as a culture, as a society become so selfish that”openness” to life is not even a consideration? Have we become so jaded that we have lost hope in the future?

If one were to only look at the secular media, one would get the impression that the entire world, form Europe to Asia to the U.S. has bought its ticket on the Titanic. Yet just below the surface, quietly humming without the fanfare and glare of celebrity lights and reality TV is a counter-culture coming of age. In the hearts and minds of these young people one sees both an awareness of the problem and a willingness to engage to make a difference.

Now of course the first people they must challenge are their peers. The last 40 years have had a major negative impact on the family. From fear of commitment to a lack of purpose, there have been too many young people to whom there has been given no direction. Yes the hunger to know gnaws at their very being. A new campaign to offer hope and healing must be the flagship of the pro-life movement of tomorrow.

Second there must be an unwavering call to speak the truth and to show the truth so that the nation may face the truth of what abortion, euthanasia and assisted suicide really are.
With the advent of G-4 ultrasound, there is no longer any excuse to see the humanity of the unborn child.

Efforts should be made to get these pictures on television. The Internet allows for their wide distribution, and no conversation about the evils of abortion should omit a reference to these incredible images.

Presenting the harm that abortion does to women is another essential tool in the education of the culture. The recent deaths of women due to the use of RU-486 must be given more attention. When people realize that Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers are in the business for money, power and to influence the culture, they will be less likely to believe the propaganda pouring out of their lackeys in the media. For example how many people know that Planned Parenthood has filed lawsuit after lawsuit to prevent women from being given access to information, or to prevent notification to parents, or seek tax dollars in order to kill the children of poor women?

Recently many people have lamented over the huge donation Warren Buffet gave to the Bill Gates Foundation. Yet all the money in the world does not compare with one human life. Remember that. And as the old Jewish saying goes, “he who saves one life has save the entire world.” And when we realize that life and love are more powerful than death, we will not be afraid.

Rest assured that as we celebrate the nation’s birthday, “ a nation conceived in liberty," we at Arizona Right to Life will not take that liberty for granted, but will exercise our freedoms to defend and protect the most helpless of God’s children and the mothers who bear them.

God bless you and May God bless America.


At 6:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Recently many people have lamented over the huge donation Warren Buffet gave to the Bill Gates Foundation. Yet all the money in the world does not compare with one human life. Remember that. And as the old Jewish saying goes, 'he who saves one life has save the entire world.' And when we realize that life and love are more powerful than death, we will not be afraid."

This is certainly true, but the effectively limitless funds the pro-abortion side has from Gates (his wife Melinda is a strong supporter of Planned Parenthood), Hollywood, the mainstream media, etc., and from their own bloody profits, clearly show that pro-life inspiration and idealism, and even any favorable demographic trends (mainly due to the increasing Hispanic population in America, as well as the simple fact that pro-life families tend to have more children), will never be enough to overcome their influence. The "court" of public opinion (from where any political/legal changes must germinate) is almost entirely a reflection of media power (as you correctly indicated by your comment about fetal images being deliberately suppressed), and the pro-life side must therefore outsmart the entrenched abortion establishment or it has no hope of ever really succeeding beyond the margins. They are so narrow-minded that this is certainly possible, but there is no real evidence of its ever having occurred. (The one case always cited that HAS made a difference in public opinion, partial birth, was a disgusting "gift" from the other side in their heinous arrogance.)

BTW, the all-time most socially destructive member (not just with abortion) of the MSM, Phil Donahue, always sincerely brags about how BOTH sides applauded his presenting footage of an abortion on TV around 1970. That this did not cause a national uproar at the time is a perfect example of the shocking fact that even seeing such hideous images does not, tragically, seem to jolt most people out of their disinterest in anything they do not selfishly perceive as directly affecting them (though incorrectly in this case).


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