Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I endorse Rick Santorum for President

His message is clear. His concern for the dignity of life is genuine and proven. He has the ability to challenge the current president on all the major issues, especially Obama-care. He has impressed me with his ability to stay on message and to meet the people where they are. Rick Santorum has earned my vote and i encourage you to support his candidacy for president.

There are those who do not believe he can defeat Barak Obama. I disagree.  Not only can Rick Santorum defeat Barak Obama but he can remind people what it is that made America great. He can draw out of ourselves the notion that we can meet the challenges of today and make this land a better place for our children.

Santorum will not just float fuzzy promises of "hope" and "change." He will identify what we as a nation must do at the local level to turn things around. He will encourage lively debate on what edification should look like in the next twenty years. He will ask how can we compete with the world if our energy policy is handcuffed by radical environmental regulations that prevent us from marshaling our natural resources. And he will show us what reducing the size of government really means.

Finally he frustrates the liberal talking heads of the media. he smiles and explains himself in ways the average Joe can understand. He is not afraid to say things that people understand but that the media thinks is politically incorrect. In fact the more he is attacked by the mainstream media, the more the average voter thinks he must be on to something.

So lets support this happy warrior, someone who actually believes in something and lets take back our country and re-build it for our children.


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