Thursday, June 02, 2011

Keeping it real - part 1

So much of the time it is easy to get so caught up in what we are doing, whether it is the organizing, the meetings, the speeches, that we forget to 'keep it real.'

Given that it happens to us all, i thought I would remind myself (and therefore anyone who reads this post) that our concern for the woman who has been involved in an abortion must be real such that we can and willing to offer her real options to deal with any post abortion grief.

One excellent way to do this practically is to know and understand Rachel's Vineyard and to be aware of the various retreats that happen both here in Arizona as well as around the nation.

In addition to the excellent counseling and holistic approach that combines an appreciation of both the pain being suffered and the importance of restoration, the program is staffed in many cases by women who have been through the healing process.

Pray for Rachel's Vineyard and the important work they do.


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